Can Someone Be Saved if They Aren't Baptized as a Baby?

Infant Baptism or Believer's Baptism: Which is Correct?

This mail is mail service 9 in a series entitled Letting God Atomic number 82: My Journeying Through Protestant and Catholic Beliefs. While you certainly can read this mail past itself, I highly encourage you lot to check out the rest of the serial besides. Detect more than virtually this series and a list of all of posts here. *This mail service contains affiliate links.

When my oldest son was born, my husband and I had a conclusion to make: Would we baptize him as an infant or wait? My husband was baptized as an baby in the Cosmic Church building we still attend today. I was baptized in 4th grade at the church my family happened to be attention at that time. Which i was correct?

Both Catholics and Protestants meet baptism as very important, and notwithstanding the two groups (and diverse subsets within the groups) differ on details such aswhen a person should be baptized, how a person should be baptized andwhat baptism does, exactly. Hopefully this post will shed some lite on the various positions.

"Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." — John iii:5

A Brief History of Baptism in the Church

B.C: Baptism was around earlier the beginnings of Christianity. It is not a Christian invention.

A.D: (Some?) Jewish communities began baptizing converts around the fourth dimension Christianity began. The converts were first interrogated to brand sure they believed in Jewish teachings. So they were circumcised and baptized naked in club to go fully accepted into the community. (On a side notation: Thank goodness we don't unremarkably baptize naked today!)

Bible Times: In that location is some question about whether or not the Bible mentions infant baptism. Information technology does say "households" were baptized, but there is disagreement equally to whether or non this would include infants.

220 A.D: The oldest explicit business relationship of infant baptism nosotros have today is past Tertullian effectually 220 A.D.

Early Church – First Few Centuries: At first, adult baptism was the norm, as Christianity was so new that almost people converted into it, rather than were born into it. Adults were required to convert before they could be baptized. Yet, both baby and developed baptisms were practiced, and anybody pretty much got forth and didn't worry about it too much. Both methods were adequate and people were pretty much free to choose.

**Interesting Fact: In the primeval years, new believers were baptized immediately upon conversion. But by the 2d century, the church began delaying baptisms until after the new convert had completed a "grooming catamenia" where they would learn the church building'south behavior.

Early Church Fathers: Not a single church father plant infant baptism unlawful, though of class, everyone had their own stance on when the "optimal" time to be baptized would be. In that location was never whatsoever serious controversy surrounding it until the 16th century.

253 A.D: The Council of Carthage condemned the do of withholding baptism from infants until the eighth day, and infant baptism became the new norm. It was skillful nearly universally until the 16th century.

**Interesting Fact: At i point, many people began putting off baptism until they were on their deathbed. This was because the church believed (and the Catholic church nonetheless does believe) that baptism washes away all mortal (serious) sin, and people didn't want to risk getting baptized, committing a mortal sin, and then having to practise penance after. So they would wait. (We'll get into penance and purgatory, etc next week.)

416 A.D: Infant baptism was made compulsory by Roman Police. If a person was re-baptized later, both the person and the person who baptized him/her could be put to death.

16th Century: During the Protestant Reformation, some Protestant groups (well-nigh notably the Anabaptists) began to question whether infant baptism was really Biblical. They began "re-baptizing" (hence the name "Anabaptist–which means "cognominate again"). Not all Protestants switched sides all the same. Some Protestant groups (including Lutherans, Presbyterians and Methodists) maintained the practice of infant baptism.

**Interesting Fact: Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation, believed that baptism was more than a symbol. He believed that it offers forgiveness from sins and grants eternal conservancy.

Today: Some churches baptize infants, while some churches wait, only not everyone gets along similar they did in the early church. (When researching for this mail, I found a TON of very heated, opinionated and hateful arguments. It was very abrasive.)


What (Some) Protestants Believe About Baptism

At present, understand that opinions vary greatly; there is no "official" Protestant belief. This is non meant to accost every single denomination. But since I grew upward in the Baptist church, this series is about my journey, and Baptists and Catholics are nearly polar opposites when it comes to Baptism, that's the perspective I'thousand sharing. Experience gratuitous to share your ain experiences in the comments section! I'd love to hear them!

Requirements for a "Believer's Baptism" — (Baptist Church)

  • People should be baptized of their own free will.
  • They must be old enough to empathise what baptism is and what information technology means.
  • They must make a confession of faith.
  • Classes may or may not be required.

What Baptists Believe About Baptism

  • Baptism is important considering the Bible commands information technology. ("repent and be baptized"–Acts 2:38)
  • Baptism does non forgive original sin. (That happens prior, when a person repents and makes the conscious decision to follow Christ, or every bit we like to call information technology "accept Jesus equally our personal Lord and Savior.")
  • The purpose of baptism is to make a public profession of faith (though information technology doesn't really take to be public).
  • Baptism is a rich symbol, but it's just a symbol. It doesn't necessarily "do" anything.

Typical Baptism in a Baptist Church

Who: Anyone who believes and is old enough to want to(meet requirements to a higher place). Baptisms are typically done by the pastor.

Where: Many churches have a baptismal font right behind the phase, which is accessed from behind. People too take the pick of getting baptized in a river, swimming, lake, etc., which usually happens during special church camps or events.

When: Some churches go along the water warm to cognominate anyone who wants to come frontwards and "take Jesus" at the terminate of the service on whatsoever given Sunday. Others volition wait and take a baptismal service where they baptize several people at a time.


  • People are baptized past full immersion to symbolize Jesus'due south death, burial and resurrection.
  • They typically habiliment a robe with normal clothes underneath (and bring wearing apparel to change into for afterwards!)
  • The pastor volition by and large give a brusk introduction and the person volition probably share their testimony.
  • The pastor will inquire the person some "Do you believe" type questions to make sure the person is a assertive Christian.
  • The pastor will dunk the person while saying "I now baptize you in the proper noun of the Begetter, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
  • Much adulation and rejoicing from everyone watching!
  • And yes, you tin can concord your nose! (I know; you were curious.)

For infants: In denominations that don't baptize infants, they often take a baby dedication ceremony instead. Basically, the mother and father bring the baby (up to age 2 or so) in front of the church building, they hope to heighten the baby in the faith, the church promises to practise everything in their power to help, and the pastor says a prayer that the baby will grow up to know God.

infant baptism

What Catholics Believe Nearly Baptism

  • Baptism is important because it removes the stain of original sin (and because the Bible commands it).
  • Infants should be baptized every bit soon as possible, as their salvation depends on information technology.
  • While baptism guarantees conservancy for infants, once the person reaches the historic period of reason, they must and then consciously choose to follow Jesus. Otherwise, they can lose their salvation. (Baptism removes original sin, not personal sin)
  • You are never too old or too young to exist baptized.
  • Similarly to how Protestants added baby dedications, Catholics added confirmation, in which a Catholic young person makes their official profession of faith.
  • Baptisms done in other Christian churches are even so considered valid (every bit long as they come across the requirements below). Y'all don't have to exist re-baptized if you lot convert to Catholicism from some other denomination.

Catholics also believe:

  • Martyrs are considered "baptized in blood" and have all their sins wiped clean at the moment they dice.
  • If a person dies before they could be baptized, merely they truly desired to be baptized, that's expert enough.
  • While infants are usually baptized by a priest or deacon, anyone–fifty-fifty a not-Christian–could baptize a person, especially in an emergency state of affairs, and it would still be considered valid as long equally they followed the guidelines below.

Catholic Baptism Requirements for Infants

In order for a baptism to be valid, you must have iii things:

  1. H2o
  2. The words 'in the proper noun of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' (or some version thereof, naming all three)
  3. The intention of baptizing.

As well, in about cases, you volition too need at least 1 consenting parent or legal guardian, reasonable assurance that the child will be raised Catholic. Catholic godparents, special clothes, candles and oil are all customary equally well, though not required.

Typical Babe Baptism in the Catholic Church

Who: Anyone. Babies born into Catholic families are generally baptized every bit infants (from nativity to three-seven mo). Children over 7 years and adults are baptized upon conversion and completion of a training class (RCIA).

Where: In front of the church.

When:Typically on Sundays. Either during mass or after mass as role of a private, family-merely ceremony.


  • The parents and godparents state their intentions/promises for the child (to cognominate them and enhance them in the Catholic organized religion)
  • The priest, parents and godparents make the sign of the cross on the baby.
  • 1 or ii Scripture passages are read.
  • Prayers are said.
  • The babe is baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by immersion, pouring or sprinkling (Any method is fine. Immersion is rare, but it isn't unheard of!).
  • Candles are lit.
  • The babe is all-powerful with oil.
  • The priest blesses the parents.
  • The baptismal document is filled out and filed.

Unlike the Protestant practice, which is pretty informal and doesn't take more than 5 min at about, the Catholic practice is generally quite long and formal.

You tin can find a detailed description here: Rite for the Baptism of One Child. Information about the symbolism of the diverse parts here: The Symbols of Baptism: How Do They Work? And a personal business relationship of one infant'southward Catholic baptism hither: Blessings Abounded at Our Babe'south Baptism.

Thank you to those of you who were up late with me on Facebook last night filling me in on all the details!! 🙂

Why Do Catholics Baptize Infants?

Catholics believe that baptism washes abroad the effects of original sin. By washing abroad original sin and since babies are too young to commit personal sin, a baby would be guaranteed salvation were he or she to die young. The Church building sees no expert reason to withhold the graces or to wait.

Protestants will say that baptism should be a personal choice,  only Catholics counter that with a couple arguments. The all-time one is probably: Say your infant was ill and dying and you had a vaccine that would cure him. Would you wait until your babe was old enough to cull? Or would y'all, as the parent, make the best choice for the child, considering the grave consequences?

Babies tin yet grow upwards to exist nonbelievers. Y'all aren't forcing them to become Christians. But taking abroad their Original Sin–which well-nigh people wouldn't have a problem with. (They can grow up to sin all they want if they similar.)

baby baptism

Why Do Catholics Believe Baptism Removes Original Sin?

Catholics believe that baptism removes original sin considering of the following verses:

"Peter replied, "Apologize and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And y'all will receive the souvenir of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will phone call." –Acts 2:38-39

"to those who were disobedient long agone when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In information technology only a few people, 8 in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you too—non the removal of clay from the body merely the pledge of a clear censor toward God.It saves y'all past the resurrection of Jesus Christ" –one Peter iii:twenty-21

"he saved us, not because of righteous things nosotros had done, only because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal past the Holy Spirit" –Titus 3:v

"Nosotros were therefore buried with him through baptism into expiry in social club that, merely as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we as well may alive a new life." –Romans six:four

"Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no 1 can enter the kingdom of God unless they are built-in of water and the Spirit." –John iii:5

The concept is also expressed in the Nicene creed, which states, "I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins" (I believe some translations say "for the forgiveness of sins").

But the Bible Says People Take to Become Christian Kickoff!

Where? The Bible gives several accounts of people who gave a profession of faith and and then were baptized, but the Bible gives accounts of a lot of different things (David committing adultery and murder, for example). There is a difference betwixt telling what some people did and giving direction about what we are supposed to do.

Also, you must remember, Christianity was a make new religion when the Bible was written and then more than people were converting in than being born in. AND the Bible isn't an all-inclusive manual to Christianity. Just considering it doesn't include something doesn't mean that information technology did or didn't happen. That's why we accept to turn to church history to fill in the blanks.

Then What Did Nosotros Ultimately Decide?

Like I mentioned in the introduction, when our first son was born, my married man and I had a choice to make: Would we baptize him in the Catholic Church or not? Here's what we decided.

First, nosotros met with a priest to learn more about Catholic baptism. (I believe this was a requirement?) It was during this meeting that I first learned that the Catholic Church building believes that baptism washes abroad sin. This was news to me! After about an hour in the church building basement, they sent the states home with a pamphlet.

Over the next few days, I poured over the pamphlet and the Scriptures. At first, I plant plenty of verses that seemed to back up my (Baptist) position. And so, I found quite a few verses that seemed to support my husband's (Cosmic) position. I wasn't completely and utterly opposed, but I definitely wasn't convinced.

I told my married man that I had some reservations most baptizing our son in the Catholic Church building since I didn't wholeheartedly hold with everything the Catholic Church teaches that that meant, BUT that I would let him make the conclusion equally the spiritual leader of our family unit. Whatever he chose, I would back up.

We didn't terminate up baptizing our son in the Catholic Church. Instead, one night my husband decided he couldn't put information technology off any longer, we woke our son up, and my husband baptized him right there on a towel on our living room floor! (Yeah, you can do that!)

This was the absolute perfect solution for the states. My husband and I were (and still are) in consummate agreement most our decision, and so far none of the priests nosotros've mentioned it to accept had any problems with information technology (though the paperwork thing is going to become tricky subsequently on, as we don't accept any). We baptized our second son the same way, and we plan to exercise the same with our third, whenever he or she gets here! (That's right–for those of yous who oasis't heard–I am expecting 🙂 )


Personally, I think if the early Christian church tin become along–nosotros should exist able to also. While I don't see anything incorrect with being baptized as an adult, I too don't run into any skillful reason to look either. I'd love to hear your thoughts though! Exit them in the comments section below!

Letting God Lead: My Journey Through Protestant and Catholic Beliefs: Great Series! Must read for any Christian!

Enjoyed this post? Don't miss the rest of the posts in the serial!

The Day I Realized My Faith Got it Incorrect

ten Common Catholic Church building Myths that Critics Believe

Is the Eucharist Really Only a Symbol?

Is Organized religion Alone Enough?

Who has the Ultimate Authority? A Biblical Wait at Sola Scriptura

A Cursory Look at the History of Christianity

What All Christians Should Know About Priests, the Pope and Confession

What Practice Catholics Really Believe Nearly Mary, Saints and Statues?

Infant Baptism or Laic'due south Baptism? Which is Right?

What is Purgatory? What are Indulgences?

Why Do Catholics….? Honest Answers to Your Burning Questions

Protestant and Cosmic Beliefs Serial Conclusion

Resources and Farther Reading

I'one thousand non asking yous to believe considering I say so. Please DON'T take my word for information technology! The purpose of this series is only to share what I've learned on my journey in society to inspire you lot to begin a journeying of your own. Here are a few helpful resources to get yous started.

*This post contains affiliate links, which means if you lot make a purchase, I may make a minor commission at no boosted cost to you. Give thanks you!

The New Catholic Answer Bible

Canon of the Catholic Church

Christian History Made Like shooting fish in a barrel past Timothy Paul Jones, PhD


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Can Someone Be Saved if They Aren't Baptized as a Baby?


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