Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue Talk Shit Again and Ill Hit Yu With a Shoe

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Soap is green or red, or white,
Or blue, or blackness as inc.
But when you wash information technology is plow white,
It is and then strange, I recollect.

Bluish body of water�

Blue sea, light-green tree.
Chocolate-brown mitt, xanthous sand.
Rose red, grey head.
Snow white, black night.


Cerise and xanthous, bluish and green,
Bluish and green, blue and green,
Red and xanthous, blue and dark-green,
Black and white and brown.

Orangish, purple, pink and gray,
Pink and grey, pink and grey,
Orange, majestic, pinkish and greyness,
Blackness and white and brown.

Blue is the sea.

Bluish is the sea,
Green is the grass,
White are the clouds
As they slowly laissez passer.

Black are the crows,
Chocolate-brown are the trees,
Red are the sails
Of a transport in the breeze.

I see greenish�

I meet green, I see yellowish,
I encounter that funny fellow.
I see white, I see black,
I see this and that and that.

I see pink, I meet brown,
I stand up up and I sit downwardly,
I come across carmine, I see blueish,
I see yous and yous and you!

I see�

I see green, I see brown.
I stand up and I sit downwardly.
I encounter red, I see blue,
I see you lot and you, and you lot!

The frog is green.

The frog is green, dark-green, green
And so is the tree,
I, two, 3, one, ii, three.
Red, red, red the rose,
Blue, bluish, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat
And so is the cat!

What is light-green?

Please, tell me, what is green?
Grass is green, so long and make clean.
�What is red?�, asked little Fred.
�The ball is ruddy�, says his blood brother Ted.
What is grey? Tin y'all say?
Yeah, I tin can � the mouse is greyness!
What is white? I want to know.
Milk is white and and then is snow!

This is �

This is a big dark-green frog,
This is a large white canis familiaris.
This is a large greyness rat,
This is a large blackness cat.

Have a petty bit of xanthous.

Have a little scrap of yellow
And a little bit of ruddy,
Put it in the bowl
And what have y'all got instead?
We�ve got a colour we�ve never had before.
What have we got?
We�ve got orange!

We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you�ve ever seen.
We tin mix lots of colours
Xanthous and red make orange,
And xanthous and blue make green.

Take a picayune bit of xanthous
And a little bit of blue,
Put it in the bowl
And mix it upwardly do.
Nosotros�ve got a colour we�ve never had before.
What have we got?
Nosotros�ve got greenish!

Nosotros can mix lots of colours
All the colours yous�ve ever seen.
We tin can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blueish make green.

Minor equally a peanut.

Pocket-size equally a peanut
Big as a giant
We're nonetheless size
When we turn off the light
Ruby-red, blackness or orangish
Xanthous or white
Nosotros all wait the same
When we plow off the light
And so maybe the way
To make everything right
Is for God to but reach out
And turn off the lite!


Ruby and xanthous, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow too.
Blood-red and yellow, pinkish and greenish,
Orange and majestic, and blue,
I can see a rainbow,
Run across a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.

Come unto these yellow sands.

Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands:
Curtsied when you take, and kissed
The wild waves whist:
Foot it featly here and at that place,
And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.
Hark, hark! Bow-wow;
The sentinel dogs bawl: bow-wow.
Hark, hark! I hear
The strain of strutting Chanticleer
Cry Cockadiddle-do.

Green Holly.

Birch and green holly, boys,
Birch and light-green holly,
If y'all get beaten, boys,
�Twill exist your own folly.

Pigment box people.

Mrs red Play a trick on went to bed
With a turban on her head.
Mrs white True cat had a fright
In the heart of the dark;
Saw a ghost eating toast
One-half way upward a lamp post.
Mrs brown Bear went to town
With her knickers hanging downwardly.
Mrs green Lizard saw the scene and put it in a magazine.

The bow that has no arrow.

Which is the bow that has no pointer?
The rainbow that never killed a sparrow.
Which is the singer that has just one song?
The cuckoo, who singeth information technology all day long.

When daisies pied and violets blue.

When daisies pied, and violets bluish,
And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue:
And lady-smocks all silver white,
Practise paint the meadow with please,
The cuckoo then on every tree,
Mocks married men, for this sings he,
Cuckoo; cuckoo, cuckoo: O discussion of fearfulness,
Appeasing to a married ear.

If you're wearing red today.

If y'all're wearing red today,
Red today, blood-red today,
If you're wearing cerise today,
Stand up and say "Hoo-ray!"
Repeat: for other colors

A pencil-box.

I accept many pencils:
Red and green and blue.
I�ll draw a picture
And give it to you!

I have many pencils.

I have many pencils,
Red and green and blue.
I shall draw a pic
And give information technology to you lot!

I have many pencils,
My blood brother has a pen.
Nosotros can draw on newspaper
Funny picayune man.


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