How to Read a Czech Church Record

Kate Challis is preparing headlines of columns, so I decided to look at their contents and abstruse the common patterns that may aid you to with bones orientation.

More examples explained in Czech are also on Blanka's site. And then t hither are not mentioned Czech records, but their structure is the same and could by easily bathetic by illustration from the Latin or German ones.

During the time, there were basically three types of tape construction:


The first one is a whole text that is common in the oldest books and it's the one that is the near confusing, because formulations may vary even in the same book and and so it'south hard to observe desired information.

Very often it starts with a date, but it's non a date you "need" - east.g. information technology starts with a engagement of baptism, but the appointment of actual birth is mentioned three lines above, after the name of church, priest, father, his occupation, mother, a estate they belonged to, proper name of the child... and it'southward subconscious equally "born yesterday."

The same happens also in the burial records.

In marriage records, it often starts with dates of banns, that mistaken researchers who don't bother to read whole content see as the engagement of marriage, that is actually in the heart of the record. This might cause more problems than in previously mentioned baptism or burial records, where the differences in dates are only day or two, because hither the difference might be 3 weeks, but also it might happen, that the kid they were expecting, was born during the banns and so the union could happen even a half of the year later.

It often contains many archaic abbreviations that are hard to decipher.

Baptism record (1736)




Eodem Ego Idem baptizavi infantem hoc die natam Ex leg et Tyna Subd: Conj P. Jacobo Peterže et M Barbara cui na datum e Anna Lev: Anna Joannis Steinbach uxor Wranovio test: Salomena Bartholomaei Steinbach uxor Wostromecžio Paroch Semnloviczensis Joannes Steinbach pie defuncti Georgij Steinbach legitimus Superstes filius et Jacobus Goth Wrano

Abbreviations used here:

leg - legitime

& - et - and

Subd: - subditi - serfs (the manor identify is the word before)

Conj. - conjugi - married couple

P. - pater - father

M - mater - female parent

na - nomina - name

due east - est - is

Lev: - levans - the main godparent (the one that concord a child during baptism)

test: witnesses of baptism (it'southward a relict from previous times when no written evidence was kept)

Paroch - parochia - parish


Eodem - the same (day) - it means that the date is said in the previous tape

Ego - means I (or me) - the priest who baptized the kid, his proper name is probably also in i of the previous records

Idem - the aforementioned - in that location supposedly were another information most the priest and parish (often on this identify at that place is the name and place of the church building)


from Vranov

The same day I, the same, baptized a kid born this solar day of legitimate and to Týn manor belonging married couple, father Jakub Peteřík and mother Barbora, whom was imposed a name Anna.

Principal godmother: Anna, wife of Jan Steinbach from Vranov.

Witnesses of baptism: Salomena, wife of Bartoloměj Steinbach from Ostroměř, Sémněvice parish, Jan Steinbach, bereaved son of peacefully deceased Jiří Steinbach, and Jakub Goth from Vranov.



Date of baptism - priest - name and identify of church - baptized a child - date of birth - information about parents - proper noun of father - name of mother - given proper name.

Main godparent - occupation and identify

Witnesses of baptism - their occupation and place


Date of baptism - priest - proper noun and place of church - baptized a child - name of father - proper name of mother - information about parents - given proper noun - engagement of nativity .

Union record (1731)



Praemissis trib us continuis promulga ti o n ibus dieb us dominicis quam pr im a in circumcisione D omi ni. 2dae pr im ae dom inicae : mail Epiph anae . et three 2dae dom inicae : post: Epiph anae : D omi ni, nulloq ue manifestato imp e d imen to cora 1000 me Mathiae Martino Ortner sit down Curato in farie Eccl esi ae contraxit matrimonium die 16 Januarij Jacobus filius legitimus Joa nn is Peterschik ex pago Franowa, cum Barbara filia legitima Joa nn is Riba ex pago Meshols. Praesentib usa testib us georgio gireschik ex pago Lohowa, adamo Kraus ex Merschigow et adamo svowoda ex pago Zeirm.


as yous tin can see, there are many abbreviations that use abbreviation signs, some of them look like a little ix - in the end of the word, it means -united states of america, in the beginning information technology ways con- (or com-)

pra - prima - the first

Dni - Domini - Lord, God

2da - secunda - the second

Dom: - Dominica - Sunday

Epiph. - Epiphanae - Epiphany

impdto - impedimento - impediment (that might foreclose the couple from getting married)

Eccle - Ecclesiae - Church

Joais - Joannis - Jan (John)


On the three banns during Sundays, the first one on the Feast of the Circumcision of Chirst, the second ane on the offset Dominicus after Epiphany and the 3rd i on the second Sunday afterward Epiphany of Christ, noone showed whatever impediment.

In front of me Matěj Martin Ortner, chaplain of local parish church, was on 16th January contracted the marriage of Jakub, legitimate son of January Peteřík from the village of Vranov, with Barbora, legitimate daughter of Jan Ryba from the village of Mezholezy.

Present witnesses: Jiří Jirešík from the village of Hlohová, Adam Kraus from Miřkov and Adam Svoboda from the village of Čermná.


Date of banns (often with names of Feasts, non the dates) - no impediment found / impediment, its kind and dispensation - name and position of the priest - appointment of marriage - proper noun and data about the groom - proper noun and information about the helpmate - names and data of witnesses.


I some cases the information about banns could be in the end of the tape.

Burial record (1720)



Idem anno die 22 feb: Sepulta est Elisabetha ortnerin Mater Parochi dictae parochiae annorum 83


The same twelvemonth on the day of 22nd Feb was buried Alžběta Ortnerová, mother of the vicar of the same parish, 83 years old.


year - solar day - month - cached - proper noun - information - age


after previous data at that place could exist also some kind of formulation nigh last rites provided (by and large it starts with provisus, providi). Information technology could contain uncomplicated information that it was provided, or longer clarification what last rites were provided and by whom.


The 2nd blazon of records are those that strictly follow the society of columns and contain nearly nil more than what is necessary - elementary names of parents in baptism records, very few information about origin of fiancées in the wedlock tape, but name and historic period in burial records.

I decided to go out this type without examples, because of the length of this article and no real reason of doing and then, the headlines themselves form the construction properly.


The third type of records is the one yous probably see when beginning with your research.

Information technology's the type that has columns with quite a long texts in it, but often with a anticipated structure.

Baptism record (1842)



Appointment: 1842 Jänner xxx.gebor./thirty.getauft

Baptized by: Ludwig Blucha Pfarrer

Midwife: hebamme Mariana Watza von Tieschetitz HNr 51

House #: 12

Name: Barbara

Sex: female person

Bed: wedded

Father: Thomas Filipek Bauer in Lubienitz Sohn des + Lukas Filipek Bauers in Tieschetiz, und der + Paulina, gebornen Witasek aus Ohnitz

Religion: Cosmic

Mother: Barbara Tochter des Georg Nawratil Bauers aus Ohnitz und der Mariana, gebornen Lischka aus Ohnitz

Religion: Cosmic

Godparents: Jiřik Smička Bauer in Ohnitz Lubienitz

Katharina dessen Eheweib

Names written by: Mathias Thorž Namensfertiger


There are no abbreviations in this record, but I can try to mention the nigh mutual ones:

gebor, geb. - geborne - born

getft, get. - getauft - baptized

Coop., Koop. - Kooperator - cooperator (kind of priest position in the parish)

Kpl. - Kaplan - chaplain

Pfar., Pfr. - Pfarrer - vicar (the main priest in the parish)

Adm. - Administrator - administrator

Dech. - Dechant - dean (or deacon, I don't know the exact translation)

Heb. - Hebamme - midwife

gep., gepr. - geprüfte - certified (midwife)

ung., ungepr. - ungeprüfte - uncertified (midwife)

eh. - ehelich/e - legitimate (opposite is unehelich)

S.d. - Sohn des - son of

T(ocht). d. - Tochter des - daughter of

northward.d. - nach dem - later the... it is used instead of above mentioned "des" in instance the parent was already deceased

ver, verst - verstorben - deceased

seel - seelig - deceased

v. - von - from

Herrschgt, Hschft, Hsft - Herrschaft - manor

Bz, Bzrk - Bezirk - district

Kr. - Kreis - region

Nmftg - Namensfertiger - the person who wrote names of signed people (who were illiterate)

Common occupations:

Häs, Hsl (and similar) - Häusler - cottager

Ganzl. - Ganzlähner - farmer, owner of a 1hide farm

ane/2L, 1/2ler - Halblähner - farmer, owner of a i/2 hide farm

i/4ler, Viertl. - Viertler - farmer, owner of a one/4 hide farm

1/2 1/4ler, ane/two viertl., 1/8ler - Halbviertler - owner of a ane/8 hide farm

Pass - Passeker - owner of the farm/land that had to be cleared before use

(Erb)Richt - (Erb)Richter - (hereditary) reeve

Muhl, Müll. - Müller - miller

Ausg., Ausged. - Ausgedinger - retired farmer

Schulleh. - Schullehrer - teacher

Schenkw., Wirth - Schenkwirth - innkeeper

Web. - Weber - weaver

Bürg. - Bürger - denizen

Inm. - Inmann - farm assist

Tagl., Taglöh. - Taglöhner - day-labourer (sort of farm-help that was paid daily)

-gesl - -gessel - journey man (information technology follows the occupation, east.g. Schuhmachergesel)

ds. - dessen - his (besides every bit "sein")

Ehew., Ehw., Wb., Gemahl. - Eheweib, Weib, Gemahlin - wife

In the collumns of religion, sex and bed, there could be written the same and in the same order as when it is simply "ticked"

Cath. - catholic

Ref./Prot./H/Aug. - reformed/protestant/helvete/auspurg confessions (all this could exist in the not-catholic column)

mänl./weibl. - male/female

eh./uneh. - legitimate/illegitimate


Date: 30th Jan 1842 built-in / 30th January 1842 baptized

Baptized by: Ludvík Blucha, vicar

Midwife: Mariana Vácová from Těšetice # 21

House #: 12

Name: Barbora

Sex: female person

Bed: wedded

Father: Tomáš Filípek, farmer in Luběnice, son of deceased Lukáš Filípek, farmer in Těšetice, and of deceased Pavlína born Vitásková from Vojnice

Faith: Catholic

Mother: Barbora, daughter of Jiří Navrátil, farmer from Vojnice, and of Mariana built-in Lišková from Vojnice

Religion: Cosmic

Godparents: Jiřík Smyčka, farmer in Vojnice Luběnice

Kateřina, his wife

Names written past: Matěj Tchoř


Engagement: if in that location are two dates, the get-go 1 is nativity, second one is baptism. If there is only one, it'south the baptism.

Father: Name - occupation - son of - male parent - occupation - place - mother - maiden surname/proper noun of her father - identify

Mother: Name - daughter of - father - occupation - place - female parent - maiden surname/proper name of her father - identify

When they are all from the same identify, information technology could be on the end or even omitted.

Godparents: Name - occupation - place


At that place are only few of them:

The column of organized religion is oft before the cavalcade of sex (and not afterwards each parent)

Priest and midwife tin have their ain columns in different places.

If the child is illegitimate, at that place could be besides signatures of witnesses that evidence the begetter decided to legitimize the child.

At that place tin can be frequently notes:

+ with or without engagement ways the child died - sometimes the engagement is written fifty-fifty though the person died in old age, so it cannot exist seen every bit a proof the kid died soon...

Very often there are dates of issuing a baptismal certificate. Information technology can start with Litt. bapt., Taufschein, Kř.l. etc.

Sometimes, there are notes about wedlock (starting with Getraut... Oddán... Cop.) or conclusion to leave the church (bez vyzn. - without confession, or in that location are mentioned churches the person chose to exist part of). Sometimes there are notes that few years later they decided to come up back to the catholic church.

Mariage record (1865)



Date: 1865. Nov 6.

Business firm #: twenty.

Groom: Leonhart Křižek, lediger Häusler in Antlersdorf, Sohn des Johan Křižek, familianten in Topolan und der Barbara geb. Planička in Topolan

Religion: Catholic

Age: 24

Marital status: unmarried

House #: 12.

Bride: Barbara Filipek, ledige, minderjährige Tochter des + Thomas Filipek, Halblahnausgedüngers in Lubienic und der Barbara geb. Nawratil in Ohnitz

Religion: Cosmic

Age: 23

Marital status: unmarried

Witnesses: Jakob Dudek Halblahner in Lubenic

Ignac Grumek Familiant in Antlersdorf

Priest: Ludwig Blucha Pfarrer

Notes: Die Heurat=Requisiten des Bräutigams Leonhart Křižek im Archiv Fach C. Fasc. 29. Nr. 14.

Dice ober= und vormundschaftliche Bewilligung für die minderjährige Braut Barbara Filipek de dato Olmütz iv. Nov. 1865 Nr. 14639 jud. ist im Pfarr= Archiv Fach. C. Fasc. 29. Nr. 14.


virtually the same every bit in baptism records

Additional and only seen in marriage record could be:

Bew., Bewill. - Bewilligung - permission

(Ober)vorm. (etc.) - (Ober)vormundschaftliche - (Loftier)guardian-office

mindj. - minderjährig - pocket-size

Disp. - Dispens - dispensation

Urk. - Urkunden - documents

Arch. - Archiv - archive (generally parish annal)

Fasc. - Fascikl - volume

Aufgeb. - Aufgeboten - banns

Verkünd. - Verkündigung - banns

Ehelz, (etc.) - Ehelizenz - wedding document/permission

Taufsch. - Taufschein - baptismal certificate


Date: sixth November 1865

Business firm #: xx

Groom: Leonhart Křížek, unmarried cottager in Andlerka, son of Jan Křížek, farmer in Topolany, and of Barbora built-in Pláničková from Topolany

Religion: Catholic

Age: 24 years

Marital status: single

Business firm #: 12

Bride: Barbora Filípková, sinlge, pocket-size daughter of deceased Tomáš Filípek, retired half-hide farmer, and of Barbora born Navrátilová from Vojnice

Religion: Catholic

Age: 23 years

Marital status: single

Witnesses: Jakub Dudek, half-hide farmer in Luběnice

Ignác Grumek, farmer in Andlerka

Priest: Ludvík Blucha,vicar

Notes: the marriage documents of groom Leonhart Křížek are kept in parish archive part C, Vol. 29, No. 14.

The loftier-part- and guardian-office permission for modest bride Barbora Filípková from Olomouc 4th November 1865 Nr. 14639 jud. is in the parish archive part C., Vol. 29, No. xiv.


Groom: Name - occupation - place - (il)legitimate son of - father - occupation - place - mother - maiden surname/name of her begetter - place

Bride: Name - (il)legitimate daughter of - father - occupation - place - female parent - maiden surname/proper noun of her begetter - place

Notes: there could be often four main topics:

one) Permissions of father or guardian or guardian role if any of the fiancées was a minor

2) Dispensation if the fiancées were whatsoever kind of family (that ways not only in a "bloodline" but too in-law or even if the parents of 1 of them were godparents of the other one)

3) Information about banns - where and/or when they took place

4) Information well-nigh provided documents and where they were kept (those are mostly permissions, baptismal certificates, in case of a widowed person also a death certificate of previous spouse, dispensations)

very rarely there could be also a note about legitimization of illegitimate children of the couple (I've seen it only one time, I think)

Burial tape (1857)



Appointment of death / burial: 1857 April thirty gestorben/Mai two begraben

Firm #: 12

Deceased: Victoria uneheliche Tochter der Franziska lediger Tochter des Thomas Filipek Halblahnausgedüngers in Lubienitz und der Barbara gebornen Nawrátil aus Ohnitz

Religion: Cosmic

Sex activity: female

Age: 7

Cause of death: Fraisen

Last rites provided by: -

Buried by: Anton Janaussek Cooperator


Date of expiry / burial: 30th April 1857 died / 2nd May 1857 cached

House #: 12

Deceased: Viktorie, illegitimate daughter of Františka, single, girl of Tomáš Filípek, retired half-hide farmer in Luběnice, and of Barbora born Navrátilová from Vojnice

Religion: Catholic

Sexual activity: female

Age: vii years

Crusade of death: child convulsions

Concluding rites provided by: -

Cached by: Antonín Janoušek, cooperator


Deceased: Name - data - parents

If it is an adult, there might not be parents, but oftentimes husband (even if he was deceased yet) or not and then oft wife. There could be likewise an information well-nigh a length of marriage.

Sometimes at that place are farther information - due east.g. appointment of birth, parish of nascency or book and page where the birth is recorded.

In the column cause of death could be also Todtbeschauzettel (or another formulation) followed by number - it means that the body was examined by some authority (not necessarily a doctor, it could be but a priest or mayor) and what number the exam certificate has.

The final rites were non provided to young children and people who died all of a sudden - in their example the box is empty. When there is one name of priest on both final rites and burying columns, it means he likewise did both.

How to Read a Czech Church Record


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